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                                      2級要約 南銀座教室 菅原直子





55ワード程度におさまらない時は 省くなどしましょう。

Feel the Heat


Although people usually avoid pain, there are some situations where people seem to enjoy it. For example, some people really like eating spicy foods with chili peppers. Eating chili peppers can make peoples mouths feel like they are burning.

Some people prefer very strong spiciness.  6   *省略



such as に続くような具体例は避けよう! 
NG 具体例ワード → メキシコ、インドや韓国 

Chili peppers can also make people sweat and cry. However, they are very popular, and they have become an important part of the food culture in places such as Mexico, India, and Korea.       
                  パラフレーズしましょう→   いくつかの南米やアジアの国々    省略
and  they are an important part of the food culture in some countries  13

There are a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes of chili peppers. Some kinds of chili peppers, such as poblano peppers, are not very spicy at all. Other kinds of chili peppers, such as habanero peppers, are really spicy. Even a small amount of such peppers can be too much for most people. Chili peppers are spicy because they contain a chemical called capsaicin. Most of the capsaicin is in the white parts inside a chili pepper that hold the pepper’s seeds. Scientists guess that chili peppers produce capsaicin to protect their seeds.

There are chili peppers that are not spicy at all and there are chili peppers that are very spicy, which have substances that protect the seeds.

全く辛くないとうがらしと 種を保護する物質があるとても辛いとうがらしもある。  26

Animals like mice damage the seeds when they eat chili peppers, but capsaicin is too spicy for such animals. However, birds do not damage the seeds when they eat chili peppers, and capsaicin has no effect on birds. Humans can eat chili peppers because they mix the peppers with other foods so that they are not too spicy. They also discovered that adding small amounts of chili pepper improved the flavor of their food and kept it fresh for longer.

Humans have discovered that chili peppers can improve the flavor of food and keep it fresh.16

People have been growing and eating chili peppers in South America for thousands of years. European explorers first took chili peppers from South America to Europe over 400 years ago. They soon became popular there. As chili peppers were traded for goods around the world, their popularity spread to Asia and Africa, too.

Chili peppers have been cultivated and eaten since ancient times and are very popular.
この文章の場合、第一、二を使用せず  内容が集中した第三、第四から要約しました。

There are chili peppers that are not spicy at all and there are chili peppers that are very spicy, which have substances that protect the seeds.

全く辛くないとうがらしと 種を保護する物質があるとても辛いとうがらしもある。  26

Humans have discovered that chili peppers can improve the flavor of food and keep it fresh


Chili peppers have been cultivated and eaten since ancient times and are very popular
